Christian Distinctiveness


'Working together as one'...'with God, ALL things are possible'

Matthew 19:26

‘When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved? But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore? And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’ Matthew 19: 25-28


Our Vision

We desire to reduce and remove barriers for all, ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to thrive and flourish personally, academically, professionally and spiritually, whilst also contributing to our community as a whole. Where barriers are removed and opportunities provided, with God’s guidance and clear Christian values, aspiration holds no bounds.


Our Core Christian Values Linked to our Mission Statement

Our core Christian values are embedded in Christian scripture and lived in the daily practice at St. Wilfrid's

Working together as one – Friendship and Respect

Friendship: 1 Thessalonians 5:11 'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing'

Respect: 1 Peter 2:17 'Show proper respect to everyone'

With God – Service and Justice

Service: Romans 15:17 'Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God'

Justice: Psalms 103:6 'The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed'

All things are possible – Courage and Perseverance

Courage: Ezra 10:4 'Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it'

Perseverance: Revelation 2:19 'I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance'


What Does Collective Worship Look Like at St. Wilfrid's?

  • All registered pupils take part in an act of collective worship daily in the school hall
  • The daily act of collective worship is conducted in accordance with the beliefs and practices of the Church of England
  • Pupils are grouped according to age, with EYFS and KS1 forming the first group, and KS2 forming the second. Though the theme of the collective worship sessions remains the same for each group, the pitch and level of technicality can be adapted to age range through the use of this structure. This ensures that there is suitable progression in the level of questioning, supporting development in understanding, spirituality and self-reflection.
  • Collective worship includes celebration, singing, Biblical references, story telling, core Christian values and reflection 
  • Governors are consulted on the collective worship structure and progression
  • Gathering - Pupils enter the school hall in silence, to gentle, welcoming music. A bible verse linking to the collective worship theme is displayed on the board. In the children's presence, the candle is then lit. The children are then greeted with 'Grace, mercy and peace be with you', to which they respond, 'and also with you'. 
  • Engaging - Pupils are presented with an image or question that requires a response. Where the focus of the collective worship is familiar, children are asked to recall key information previously discussed. Where a story or concept has been previously discussed, the level of questioning becomes more developed, including a greater depth of reflection and reference to 'big questions', extended further for the older year groups. Those presenting collective worship speak from memory and make links to their personal experiences, or the personal experiences of the children present. Children are selected to participate in the worship sessions, including modelling or role play as relevant. Visuals such as photos and videos are also used to secure engagement. 
  • Responding - Children are given the opportunity to respond to questions verbally, or to think of an answer in their heads. Children are often given a range of possible responses to which they can raise their hands in agreement. When a visual is displayed, children are asked to raise their hand in response when they see a key element. Other adults are also asked to identify children who may seek to respond to ensure that wide array of abilities and ages are given the opportunity to respond. Children are encouraged to respond using actions and, during Bible stories or at the end of stories with hidden messages, are asked to identify what happens next. Children also respond through song, silence and applause as appropriate. 
  • Year 6 worship champions visit target classes each morning to gather their responses to collective worship sessions, including any big questions, key thoughts or reflections
  • Sending - Collective worship sessions conclude by allowing the children a moment to reflect on the themes discussed that day/ week. A question is posed that allows the children to consider their actions, thoughts and responsibilities in relation to the areas discussed. At times, the question posed is in preparation for the following collective worship session, and is something that will be revisited at the beginning of the following worship session. A closing prayer is shared, before the pupils show their readiness to return to their classrooms. Children are reminded that any further thoughts can be written and placed in the communal 'Our thoughs and ideas' box in the school hall.


Courageous Advocacy

A courageous advocate is someone who supports, champions and speaks up for a cause that is important and meaningful to them. Courage is needed to persevere and stand up for something or someone you believe in, to make a difference.

At St Wilfrid’s C of E Primary School we want to support and encourage our children to become courageous advocates, not just locally but nationally and globally.

At some point in life we will all face challenges and need support to help us overcome these barriers. We teach our children that is important to help others, regardless of where they come from or what their challenges are. We teach this in many ways: through our work on values, by links to the Bible, other faiths and world views, through our P4C work as well as learning about other courageous advocates. We want our children to have confidence to discuss and debate big ideas, to challenge injustice and engage in activities that can bring about change on some level.

'Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.' Proverbs 31: 8-9

It is important for our children to appreciate their role as part of a community: to take responsibility, to be able to look after themselves and foster an understanding of their importance, impact and influence in the world. We aim for our children to develop an understanding of the meaning of belonging to a local and global community and the sense of responsibility that comes with this belonging.



At St. Wilfrid's, we believe that 'Spirituality enables us to become aware of God, one another, the world around us and ourselves'.  Through collective worship, religious education, PSHE, P4C and wider curriculum coverage, we educate the whole child, focusing on spirituality through self, others, the wider world and beyond. 

We support pupils in their spiritual development by providing opportunities to be spiritual in collective worship, RE lessons and the wider curriculum. We look for opportunities of awe and wonder as they arise and offer space and time for personal reflection. During P4C sessions particularly, children are encouraged to generate and seek possible answers to 'Big Questions', exploring thoughts and feelings, and developing increasing respect for the views of others. 

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Working together as one; with God, all things are possible.

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St Wilfrid's CE Primary School
Mabel Street
Newton Heath
Manchester M40 1GB
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Mrs K Harrison | Business Manager
Miss K Newton | SENCO
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Who We Are

"We believe St Wilfrid’s Church of England Primary School is a great place to learn and develop. We are committed to ensuring that your child’s time at St Wilfrid’s is full of fun, happiness and success.” Chair of Governors