
St Wilfrid's are passionate about, and strive for, very good levels of attendance. We need our children to be in school, and on time, for them to make the most of the excellent learning opportunities available to them.

We celebrate good attendance every Friday in our ‘Achievement Assembly’, providing a reward for the highest attending class - our School Council requested a kitchen special biscuit.  We're aware of the pressures that illness in the Spring term 1 has placed on attendance, yet our attendance for the Spring term 2 was significantly improved, demontrating that our parents value their children's education.

We have a new education partner working with us called Chris Boden from One Education.  Chris will be contacting parents where there is a cause for concern but also where improvement has been significant.  Please remember that we want to work with our families and help support you if there are any barriers that exist.

Please be aware that there is a Manchester Early Help offer available if anyone is struggling for whatever reasons where support in the home can be accessed.  Please contact the school office if you would benefit from a referral.

In the event of absence, please let the school know by phoning or e-mailing on the first day of absence. Our contact details are:

0161 681 1385
[email protected]

Notification of absence is most important and we ask that you comply with this request at all times.

If your child is absent and we have not been contacted, we will attempt to contact you. We always need a  reason for absence, if there is no response the absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised.’ This could also lead to furthr legal santions or a ficed penalty notice.

Parents are asked not to take family holidays during term time.  However, if a leave of absence is unavoidable we ask you to make an appointment to see the Headteacher to discuss this further. Please note that no leave of absence for family holidays will be granted, and taking your child out of school for such a reason may result in a Penalty Notice of £60 rising to £120, or your child losing their school place.

Please ensure all contact details held by the school are up to date, so the school can contact you in an emergency.

It is important that your child arrives at school on time in order to not miss out on vital learning or to disrupt the learning of others. Children arriving late will have this recorded on their attendance data and school may contact you regarding this. Registration is 8.45am.  Registers close at 9.00 am and your child will be recorded late. Persistent lateness can count towards a penalty notice.

If you have any questions, or require assistance to get to school on time, please contact Mrs Brereton (Headteacher) or Mrs Clarke (Deputy Headteacher) who can support you. Please call school to speak to them or to arrange an appointment.

Absence Due to Illness

If you child is off school due to illness, please see the flyer “A Parents Guide to Managing Sickness Absence from School”. 

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Working together as one; with God, all things are possible.

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St Wilfrid's CE Primary School
Mabel Street
Newton Heath
Manchester M40 1GB
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Mrs K Harrison | Business Manager
Miss K Newton | SENCO
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Who We Are

"We believe St Wilfrid’s Church of England Primary School is a great place to learn and develop. We are committed to ensuring that your child’s time at St Wilfrid’s is full of fun, happiness and success.” Chair of Governors