School Uniform

Compulsory Uniform -

KS1 - red jumper or cardigan, grey or black skirt/trouser, white shirt or polo-shirt, sensible footwear (school logo not compulsory)

KS2 - Year 3 and 4 as above; Year 5 and 6 black jumper/cardigan, grey or black skirt/trouser, white shirt or polo-shirt, sensible footwear (school logo not compulsory)

The school has a small stock of PRE-LOVED uniform items; if you are having any problems with uniform please speak to the school office.

Donations of uniform item in good condition are always welcome - please call in at the school office. Thank you for your support.

Foundation stage (nursery / reception) and all year groups up to Year 4:

Red sweat shirt
These are available with the school logo attached from the uniform supplier, however plain red sweat shirts from other shops can be worn. As an alternative, a red cardigan can be worn.

White polo T-shirt, or collared white shirt
Grey/black trousers or skirt
Sensible footwear for playing at school

Upper School uniform – Year 5 and 6:

Black sweat shirt
These are available with the school logo attached from the uniform supplier, however, plain black sweat shirts from other shops can be worn. As an alternative, a black cardigan can be worn.

White polo polo T-shirt, or collared white shirt
Grey/black trousers or skirt
Sensible footwear for playing at school


For health and safety of children within the school setting if your child wears earrings they must be studs. No necklaces, bracelets or other jewellery can be worn during the school day. School cannot be responsible for any items of jewellery brought into school. The children participate in many activities during the school day and there is always a risk of something being pulled or caught which may result in injury.   (Safe Practice 2020/PE Association)

See the St Wilfrid's School Uniform Policy 


Children are not allowed to wear make-up of any kind in school, it is not acceptable and children will be asked to remove any make-up they are wearing. Nail varnish, false and acrylic nails are also not to be worn in school.


Indoor and outdoor
Children are asked to attend school on their designated PE day in a pair of leggings/joggers and a plain t-shirt along with their school jumper, trainers / pumps (this was introduced during Covid and continues to be in place)

Swimming costume / swimming trunks. Long hair must be tied back and swimming hat must be worn.

Ordering School Uniform – from our Official School Supplier

During Covid 19 we have set up an online website for you to order your uniform items directly from our school supplier and they can deliver it to you at your home address. You will also be able to pay online using your preferred method of payment.  We really hope that this helps with your uniform requirements and you can order anything you need as and when you need them now or in the future. School do not carry a stock of school uniform.

I hope this helps you all with your plans for the return to school in September but If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to give us a call.  We are confident you will be able to order everything you need very easily.

Mrs Harrison


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St Wilfrid's CE Primary School
Mabel Street
Newton Heath
Manchester M40 1GB
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Mrs K Harrison | Business Manager
Miss K Newton | SENCO
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"We believe St Wilfrid’s Church of England Primary School is a great place to learn and develop. We are committed to ensuring that your child’s time at St Wilfrid’s is full of fun, happiness and success.” Chair of Governors