Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Young

Miss Ingham

Miss Patterson

Mrs Taylor

Welcome to our Year 1 Class Page



Here you will find information all about our Year 1 class!

Our school day begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm. 

Spring Term

English: We are learning how to retell and write our own stories based on Traditional Tales. We are writing character descriptions based on the text Where the Wild Things Are. 

Maths: Unit: place value within 50. We are using concrete resources including tens frames, Numicon, cubes and counters. We are using pictorial representations to help us to record. We are also using numberlines and tracks to support our learning. We are measuring length and height and comparing mass. 

Science: Unit: Animals including Humans. We are working scientifically to identify and classify animals based on their body parts and diets. We will Facetime a Farmer and have a furry friend visit us in class! 

Geography: Unit: How does the weather affect our lives? We are learning about our local area, the United Kingdom and the seven continents and five oceans. We are learning about different types of weather including extreme weather. We will investigate the weather by making weather instruments to collect data. 

History: Unit: What does it take to be a great explorer? We are creating simple timelines and learning about a range of explorers from the past. We will have a visit from Neil Armstrong! 

Art & Design: We are learning about the artist Leonardo Da Vinci and we will sketch a self portrait. 

Design Technology: We will follow the sequence of plan, make and evaluation to create a finger puppet. 

PSHE/P4C: In PSHE we are learning how to look after our bodies and stay healthy. In P4C, we explore big ideas and we focus on caring, collaborative, critical and creative thinking. We term we are learning how to form our own philosophical questions. 

Computing: Pictograms and E Books. We are exploring Purple Mash and learning how to log in safely and save our work. 

RE: Baptism. We are learning about Baptism and we will visit our local church. 

Music: We are listening to a range of styes of music including Latin, Blues and Folk. We are learning to find the pulse and rhythm.

Phonics Screen

The phonics screening check is taken individually by all children in Year 1 in England. It is designed to give teachers and parents information on how your child is progressing in phonics. The screen will be taken on the week commencing Monday 5th June. The screen will be taken over the course of the week. For more information on how the screen will be administered click here

How can you support your child?

There are many different ways in which you can help to support your child's progress with phonics.In fact, you are already offering a good level of support by simply listening to your child read their reading book as often as possible. You could also begin to go over the green words at the begining of your child's reading book more often.

There are some fantastic resources available online such as the Oxford Owl website that will help you to further your understanding of what phonics is. We have also included some helpful resources in the 'files to dowload' section of the year one class page that you can use with your children. If you would like any of the documents printing out please let your class teacher know. 

Another easy way to slip some extra phonics into your child's say is by watching alphablocks! 


General Infomation


Children need to arrive in PE kits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Children have Dance on a Tuesday and PE with our Manchester City Coach on Wednesday. This will be outdoors. A plain white or red tshirt, plain leggings or joggers and trainers are required. 

Reading books

Children should bring their reading books into school every day. This is to ensure your child can read to adults in school. We encourage children to re-read their books at home multiple times as this will improve fluency and comprehension. Children have a login in their reading diary to access BugClub. They can choose from a range of e-books set at their reading level. 


Spellings will be sent out on a Friday for children to learn at home. Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. 


Days of the week. Number words within twenty. RWI Green words, Weekly spellings. 


Water bottles should be provided. Please can you ensure that your child's name is written on their jumpers or cardigans. 






Files to Download

Year 1: News items

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Year 1: Blog items

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Year 1: Gallery items

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Year 1: Calendar items

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Working together as one; with God, all things are possible.

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Mabel Street
Newton Heath
Manchester M40 1GB
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"We believe St Wilfrid’s Church of England Primary School is a great place to learn and develop. We are committed to ensuring that your child’s time at St Wilfrid’s is full of fun, happiness and success.” Chair of Governors